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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Anglophile Journal Author Guidelines General Organization of the Paper ¬ 12pt, Times New Roman bold Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines This OPEN ACCESS journal ensures a double-blind review for every submitted manuscript. It means that in the review process, this journal conceals both the identity of the reviewer and the author and vice versa. The Title of the manuscript of Anglophile Journal should be written in Version, Arial 16, Bold, Justify, Capitalize Each Word, and Align Left) The example is like this: The list of authors should be arranged like this: *Author1, Author2, Author3 (Arial,12pt, Bold, Capitalize Each Word and Align Left). Affiliation1, Affiliation2, Affiliation3 (e.g. IAIN Salatiga, Jl. Lingkar Salatiga Km. 2 Pulutan, Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah) (Arial 12, Singled Spacing, Align Left) Email1, Email2, Email3, ) (Arial 12, Singled Spacing, Align Left) *Corresponding Author This is the example: The Abstract of the manuscript should be formed like this: ABSTRACT The abstract should be in one paragraph. The font is Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, and justify. Abstract is in 200-250 words, which is followed by 3-5 keywords. The abstract should succinctly describes your entire paper. It comprises of the purposes of the research, method, and the findings of the research from the researchers perspective and it is advised that researchers refrain from citing the works of others when writing abstracts. The section is like giving a researcher 15 seconds to give a narrative to readers for them to have a mental picture of the entire research s/he has conducted. Keywords: …………, …………, …………. (3-5 words and/or phrases) The paper will be published in Anglophile Journal after peer-reviewed process and decided “Accepted” by Editor. The final paper layout will be reproduced by Editorial Office of Anglophile Journal. The final paper layout in PDF type, known as “Uncorrected Proof” should be corrected by Author. The final corrected proof will be published first in “Article In Press” pre-issue. INTRODUCTION (Font size: 12, Times New Roman, bold, and Capital Letters) State the objectives of your work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explicitly state the gap in the literature, which signifies the significance of your research. Upon receipt of paper submission, the Editor sends an e-mail of confirmation to the corresponding author within two weeks. If you fail to receive this confirmation, your submission/email may be missed. No submission charge should be paid at this stage. We use double-blind system for peer-review; both reviewers and authors’ identities remain anonymous. The paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts. The review process may take 6-8 months. Notification of the result of review is by e-mail. Anglophile Journal uses APA 6th referencing style. These are the examples of the citation on the body text: (Prensky, 2001), (Öztürk & Gürbüz, 2017),(Suryanto, 2014), (por, 2012), (Yusuf & Wekke, 2015), (Risdianto, Maret, & Malihah, 2018), (Silverman, 1991), (Dijk, 2008), (Wodak & Meyer, 2001), (Sumarlam, 2016)(Fauzan, 2015), (Hasbi, 2013), (Fairclough, 1993), (Meyer et al., 2015), (Perry, 1999), (Studies, 2018), (Culpeper, 2016), (Haugh et al., 2013), (Kádáar & Haugh, 2013). INTRODUCTION to CONCLUSION should be 4.000 – 5.250 words or at least 17 or 18 pages. The minimum requirement of amount of references is between 30-60 references and 40-80 % taken from reputable International journals. According to Engelmore and Morgan [1], manuscript content should, in general, be organized in the following order: Title; Authors Name; Authors Affiliation; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; and References. Manuscript document submitted to this journal (in one MS Word or PDF file) should be arranged as follow: a) Body text of manuscript article (from Title to References, without tables and figures) b) Figure Captions and Table Captions c) Figures (one figure per page) d) Tables (one table per page) Section Headings Three levels of heading are allowed as follows: Level 1 (Heading1 format) - 12pt, Times bold, left justified Level 2 (Heading2 format) - 12pt, Times bold, left justified Level 3 (Heading3 format) - 12pt, Times bold italic, left justified Body Text The body of the text is a set of body text paragraphs defined as follows: 12pt Times New Roman One-half space, defined as 12pt Spacing after the heading is 3pt Spacing before the new heading is 12pt Indentation for the first line is 1 cm. Bullets Bullet and numbering within body text are not allowed. All sentence should be typed as descriptive paragraph format. First sub heading: Times New Roman 12, bold, italic, justify, sentence case Second sub heading: Times New Roman 12, Bold, italic, justify, sentence case RESEARCH METHOD (Font size: 12, Times New Roman, bold, and Capital Letters) This section explains the rationale for the application of specific approaches, methods, procedures or techniques used to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understand the research problem/project, thereby, allowing the readers to critically evaluate your project’s/study's overall validity and reliability. First sub heading: Times New Roman 12, bold, italic, justify, sentence case Second sub heading: Times New Roman 12, Bold, italic, justify, sentence case RESULTS & DISCUSSION The discussion is written to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the issues being investigated, and to explain any new understanding or insights about the problem after you have taken the findings into consideration. It should connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the introduction; this section should always explain how your study has moved the reader's understanding of the research problem forward from where you left them at the end of the introduction. The research findings in the form of research data are further discussed or critically interpreted with particular relevant theoretical approach. Data can also be supported with the presentation of tables, images, etc. Captions for table is written above it with sequenced numbering so that it can be easily referred to, though not put under the pointing sentence/ paragraph. Line (border) to the table is made minimalist by eliminating the vertical lines and leaving horizontal lines deemed necessary. Captions for images are placed below the picture, also with providing sequenced numbering. One page only accommodates a table or an image with a maximum of two-thirds the size of the page (size adjusted as efficiently as possible). Tables Tables are sequentially numbered with the table title and number above the table. Tables should be centered in the column OR on the page. Tables should be followed by a line space (12pt). Elements of a table should be single-spaced, however double spacing can be used to show groupings of data or to separate parts within the table. Table headings should be in 10pt bold. Tables are referred in the text by the table number. eg: Table 1. Do not show vertical line in the table. There is only horizontal line should be shown within the table. Table 1.Article Writing SystematicCompliance Form No. Article Writing Systematic Compliance 1 Introduction Too wordy, less relevant 2 Methodology Less elaborated / weak 3 Discussion Interpretation is less critical 4 Conclusion Repeating the findings and discussion Editor’s Decision To be Revised / Declined Figures Figures are sequentially numbered commencing at 1 with the figure title and number below the figure as shown in Figure 1. Detailed recommendations for figures are as follows: Ensure that figures are clear and legible with typed lettering. Black & white or colored figures are allowed. If a figure spans two columns, it should be placed at the top or bottom of a page. Hard copy illustrations should, preferably, be scanned and included in the electronic version of the submission in an appropriate format as follows: - BMP - Microsoft bitmap file - WMF - Windows Metafile Format - EPS - Encapsulated Postscript If figures cannot be scanned, the original should be placed in its location within the manuscript using wax or colorless glue. The following files are permissible: - Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Draw Results and Discussion Manuscript Heading, Font, and Spacing ¬ 12pt, Times New Roman italics CONCLUSION (Font size: 12 Bold in Capital Letters, Times New Roman) The conclusion is intended to answer the research problems or purposes. It helps the readers understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. It is not just a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. Anglophile Journal uses APA 6th referencing style. The references should be in alphabetical order, Use Times New Roman (12), 1spaced. The minimum requirement of amount of references is between 30-60 references and 40-80 % taken from reputable International journals. It is preferable to have academic journal as the references published in the last 10 years except for main references of particular theories. It is suggested to apply reference software like Mendeley, Zotero or Endnote. Culpeper, J. (2016). Impoliteness strategies. In Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy and Psychology. Dijk, T. A. van. (2008). Discourse and power. Retrieved from Fairclough, N. (1993). Critical discourse analysis and the marketization of public discourse: The universities. Discourse & Society. Fauzan, U. (2015). Analisis wacana kritis teks berita metrotv dan tvone mengenai “Luapan Lumpur Sidoarjo.” Retrieved from Hasbi, M. (2013). The Attitudes of Students From ESL And EFL Countries To English. Register Journal. Haugh, M., Kadar, D., Like, I., Culpeper, J., Grice, H. P., Pragmatics, I., … Merrison, A. J. (2013). Culture , identity and politeness. Understanding Politeness. Kádáar, D. Z., & Haugh, M. (2013). Understanding politeness. In Understanding Politeness. Meyer, M., Cheng, W., Jupriono, D., Hari Wibowo, Y., Marsih, L., Hassan, B., … Sumarlam, S. (2015). Critical Discourse Analysis. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, 1(1), 1–55. Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2017). Re-defining language teacher cognition through a data-driven model: The case of three EFL teachers. Cogent Education, 4(1). Perry, W. G. (1999). Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years?: a scheme. Retrieved from por, F. P. (2012). Design and Development of Multimedia Pronunciation Learning Management System for Non-Native English Speakers. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 64(2012), 584 – 593. Risdianto, F., Maret, U. S., & Malihah, N. (2018). The Representation of Power in the Text News on the Meiliana Case ( A Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis ). 280(Basa), 234–245. Silverman, K. (1991). Edgar A. Poe?: mournful and never-ending remembrance. HarperCollins Publishers. Studies, S. (2018). Ideology and Rhetoric: Framing Metrotv News in The Lapindo Mudflow Tragedy Umar Fauzan 1. 9(4), 364–381. Sumarlam, S. (2016). Representasi Kekuasaan Melalui Sabda Raja pada Teks Berita Mengenai Konflik Internal Keraton Yogyakarta (Sebuah Analisis Wacana Kritis). Prosiding Prasasti, 0(0), 58–70. Suryanto, S. (2014). Issues in teaching English in a cultural context: a Case of Indonesia. ResearchGate, (January 2014), 75–83. Wodak, R., & Meyer, M. (2001). Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Yusuf, M., & Wekke, I. S. (2015). Active Learning on Teaching Arabic for Special Purpose in Indonesian Pesantren. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 137–141.

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