Pengaruh Pengetahuan Dan Kualitas Layanan Elektronik Dalam Menggunakan BSI Mobile Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Kota Metro
Knowledge, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, BSI MobileAbstract
The development of sharia banking has increased very well along with technological developments. 78% of BSI KCP Metro City customers have activated electronic services (BSI Mobile) and the remainder have chosen not to activate the service due to server down or error, and customers do not yet understand how to use BSI Mobile. There are also customers who don't know about BSI Mobile, especially customers who live far from the city. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of customer knowledge and electronic service quality in using BSI Mobile on customer satisfaction. The research method uses quantitative analysis with an explanatory approach. The sampling technique is accidental sampling A total of 98 respondents were BSI KCP Metro City customers. Data was processed using multiple linear regression tests with the help of the SPSS version 26 application. Based on data processing, the partial test results show that the calculated t value for the Knowledge variable is 4.620 ≥ 1.985 (t table). It means H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning Knowledge has a positive effect on customer satisfaction at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Metro City. The results of the t test (Partial) on the Electronic Service Quality variable obtained a calculated t value of 7.608 ≥ 1.985 t table. So, H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning that there is a positive influence of the Electronic Service Quality variable on customer satisfaction at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Metro City. The results of the f test calculation show the calculated f value is 70.291 > 3.092 f table. With the significance value in the ANOVA table showing the number 0.000 < 0.05. So, the variables Knowledge and Quality of Electronic Services together influence the customer satisfaction variable at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Metro City.
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