Implikasi Financial Technology Peer To Peer Lending di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Maqoshid Syariah (Studi pada PT. Lampung Berkah Financial Teknologi)


  • Fadlilatul Muna Universitas Ma’arif Lampung, Indonesia
  • Subandi Subandi Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Didik Kusno Aji Universitas Ma’arif Lampung, Indonesia



Keywords: Financial Technology, Maqoshid Syariah, Implication Financial Technology


Peer to peer lending is a financial service provider that brings together lenders and loan recipients through an electronic system using an internet network which can make things easier for borrowers or recipients of funds as MSMEs. Therefore, this research aims to find out and understand the implications of peer-to-peer lending from a maqoshid sharia perspective on the implementation of peer-to-peer lending at PT. Lampung Blessing Financial Technology. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. With data collection techniques through interviews with business directors, HRD and PT customers. Lampung Blessing Financial Technology. Furthermore, observations and documentation were carried out to determine the implementation of the implications of peer-to-peer lending, the implementation of peer-to-peer lending, and the impact of peer-to-peer lending on customer welfare at PT. Lampung Blessing Financial Technology. The research results show that the implications of peer-to-peer lending at PT. Lampung Berkah Financial Technology uses 4C analysis (character, capacity, capital, condition of economy). 4C is closely related to realizing maqashid, the obligation to safeguard property (hifz mal) is a postulate and foundation of religion and every muamalah effort that is in accordance with the Shari'a for the benefit of the community must be implemented as soon as possible. Refers to the benefits in the form of economic fulfillment and the predominance of benefits over harm in peer to peer lending, while the maqashid of sharia is in the form of: protecting the soul (hifz nafs) because it is used for the survival of society, and protecting assets (hifz mal) objects because it requires the best possible financial management. good. Things done by PT. Lampung Berkah Financial Technology is a form of safeguarding the benefits of borrowers or customers, both borrowers and lenders, so that it is in accordance with the maqoshid sharia perspective.

Keywords: Financial Technology, Maqoshid Syariah, Implication Financial Technology


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How to Cite

Muna, F., Subandi, S., & Kusno Aji, D. (2024). Implikasi Financial Technology Peer To Peer Lending di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Maqoshid Syariah (Studi pada PT. Lampung Berkah Financial Teknologi). Bulletin of Islamic Economic Research, 1(1 Juni), 1–9.

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