The Impact of Project-Based Learning Models on Improving Students' Value and Understanding on Natural Sciences Lessons


  • Dwi Maryani Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Aan Yunianto Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Budi Murtiyasa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Masduki Masduki Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia



Impact of Project-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning Models, Improving Students' Value


In the era of independent learning, there was a low interest in and understanding of Natural Sciences (IPA) subjects among students. The project-based learning model emerged as an alternative to overcoming these constraints. So researchers want to know the impact of project-based learning in primary schools. The method used is pre-experimental quantitative, with the design as follows: taking samples, pretest, providing guidance, post-test after guidance, looking for the average value of the pretest and post-test, and T test results. The research was conducted at Surakarta Basic School with a 30th grade student. Types of bound variables are the values and understanding of students in the V class of Natural Sciences (IPA) and project-based free learning variables. Collecting techniques with post-test and post-test as well as data analysis with pairs of T tests. Research finds that project-based learning models have an influence on elementary school students in the fifth grade in natural science subjects (IPA). Based on the analysis, results show that t hitung > t table (2.977 > 1.6991) means there are significant differences, so the project-based learning model has an influence on value and understanding.

Keywords: Impact of Project-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning Models, Improving Students' Value


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How to Cite

Maryani, D., Yunianto, A., Murtiyasa, B., & Masduki, M. (2022). The Impact of Project-Based Learning Models on Improving Students’ Value and Understanding on Natural Sciences Lessons. Bulletin of Science Education, 3(3), 359–369.

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