Investigating Students' Perception in Improving the Ability of Pronunciation through TikTok Videos
Improving Pronunciation, TikTok Videos, English PronunciationAbstract
The objective of this study is to investigate the students’ perception in using TikTok for their improvement of pronunciation in learning English. This research employed quantitative methods, utilizing questionnaires to gather data on students' perceptions of using TikTok for pronunciation learning. The investigation adopts a descriptive approach, collecting survey responses to examine how students view this application in their pronunciation studies. This research is anticipated to provide valuable insights for various stakeholders, especially educators, who will gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of incorporating TikTok into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. This knowledge can be applied to improve the effectiveness of English pronunciation teaching. The platform's ability to host free and innovative content, coupled with its global reach, is expected to significantly influence the development of individualized digital learning paths in the future. These advancements will be driven by shared national and international goals and standards. The research findings indicate that incorporating TikTok videos into a blended learning approach can enhance students' pronunciation skills. Appropriate TikTok content has the potential to stimulate cognitive processes through collaborative and communicative activities, while also fostering innovative educational practices. The incorporation of technology-based tools in English as a second language instruction has led to notable advancements, particularly in improving learners' pronunciation. Students' positive perceptions of the application as enjoyable, user-friendly, engaging, and impactful appear to contribute to their pronunciation progress, although no concrete evidence was found regarding the rate of improvement.
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