The Forming Christian Character: The Contribution of Out-of-School Education to Build Strong Foundations for Early Childhood


  • Eva Saryati Panggabean Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar, Indonesia



Forming Christian Character, Education of Early Childhood


This research aims to reveal the contribution of out-of-school education in forming Christian character in early childhood. In the context of child development, out-of-school education has great potential to strengthen the foundations of Christian character through various activities and social interactions outside the formal school environment. The research method used is literature study and content analysis, with a focus on out-of-school education programs which have been proven effective in forming Christian character in early childhood. The research results show that activities such as religious activities, moral development, and providing Christian values through stories and games can make a positive contribution in shaping children's character. An interactive and participatory approach in out-of-school education has also been proven to be able to develop positive attitudes, morality and Christian values in early childhood. These findings emphasize the important role of out-of-school education as a complement to formal education in forming Christian character in young children, so that it can help them grow into individuals with integrity and responsibility in the context of Christian values. The practical implication of this research is the need for further attention to the role of out-of-school education in early childhood character development, as well as providing recommendations for educators, parents and related parties in designing educational programs that support the formation of Christian character in the early stages of a child's life.

Keywords: Forming Christian Character, Education of Early Childhood


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How to Cite

Panggabean, E. S. (2024). The Forming Christian Character: The Contribution of Out-of-School Education to Build Strong Foundations for Early Childhood. Bulletin of Science Education, 4(2), 1–9.

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