Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah TK Unggul Inklusi (Studi di TK Pertiwi Kota Metro)
School Leadership, Learning at Kindergarten, Leadership SkillAbstract
The development of Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) as an educational institutions cannot be separated from good management as well. The application of management standards is not only implemented, but also to achieve superiority and become a pilot. Hence, it must be exceed the standards set by the government, including the leadership of the school principal. This research conducted at Pertiwi Kindergarten in Metro City, that has done as a Superior, Inclusive and exemplary Kindergarten. The method used field research with a qualitative descriptive approach, which is presented qualitative data starting from observations, interviews and documentation athe privileges of the principal's leadership that is carried out to be able to make Mother Nature Kindergarten a model kindergarten, especially in Metro City. The results showed that the head's leadership was carried out with a responsive, caring, transformative, humanist, participatory and happy leadership style. The development of PAUD educational institutions cannot be separated from good management as well. The application of management standards is not only implemented, but to achieve superiority and become a pilot, it must exceed the standards set by the government, including the leadership of the school principal.
Keywords: School Leadership, Learning at Kindergarten, Leadership Skill
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