Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal

ournal title                   Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Frequency                     3 issues per year (March, July, and November)
DOI                                 Prefix 10.51278 by Crossref
Online ISSN                   2685-6085
Editor-in-chief               Yeasy Agustina Sari
Publisher                       CV. Creative Tugu Pena in Collaboration with LPPM IAIN Metro Lampung, FAI UM Metro Lampung, LPPM IAI Sultan Muhammad Syaifuddin Sambas
Citation Analysis           SCOPUS / Google Scholar

Accrediation                   SINTA


Attractive : Innovative Education Journal has been listed in Publons. Publons was first built as a place to help researchers get recognition for their hidden peer review contributions. Accepted papers will be freely accessed in this website and the following Abstracting and Indexing Databases. The editors sincere their appreciation to Muhammad Kristiawan, Otto Fajarianto, Subandi, Tommy Tanu Wijaya, Eka Prihatini, Miftachul Huda, Zainal Arifin, Heri Cahyono for timely, thoughtful, and constructive reviews that substantially shaped of manuscripts submitted to Attractive : Innovative Education Journal   in Vol. 3 No. 1 March 2021.

Published: 2021-03-10