Pengaruh Peran Guru dan Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Jurusan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 4 Tana Toraja
Learning Media, The Role of Teachers on Student Achievement, Learning MotivationAbstract
The article was to determine the effect of the role of teachers and learning media on the students’ achievement motivation of vehicle engineering department at State of Vocational High School (SMK N) 4 Tana Toraja. The researchers used quantitative methods. This type of research was correlational research. Because this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the two variables. To find out the size or height of the relationship was expressed in the form of a correlation coefficient. Analysis method used regression analysis, which ws a mathematical instrument that connects the functions between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The results of this study with Partial t test (Multiple Linear Regression) Based on the SPSS output above, it shows that the value of R Square or the coefficient of determination was 0.758. It means that the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable was 0.758 or 75.8%. While the rest was determined by other variables not included in the study. The other influences were 1 - 0.758 = 0.242 or 24.2%. There was influence on the role of the teacher in guiding students on the learning achievement motivation of students at vehicle engineering department SMK N 4 Tana Toraja. There was influence that the use of learning media can increase achievement motivation of TKR students majoring at SMK N 4 Tana Toraja. There was an influence on the role of teachers and the use of instructional media to increase students’ achievement motivation of vehicle engineering department at State of Vocational High School (SMK N) 4 Tana Toraja
Keywords: Learning Media, The Role of Teachers on Student Achievement, Learning Motivation