Nilai-Nilai Tradisi Pelarian (Sebambangan) dalam Masyarakat Adat Lampung Pepadun Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum
Escape Tradition, Lampung Pepadun Tradition, SebambanganAbstract
Sebambangan is a custom in the Pepadun Lampung community where the man runs away from the girl he wants to marry. During the escape process, if the girl's family doesn't know about it, it is usually done when the girl is outside the house. If an escape plan has been agreed, usually the girl has written a letter as a notification and entrusted the money (duit tengepik/Sigeh) to the family and will leave it in her room. The aim of this research is to determine the values ??of the tradition of escape (sebambangan) in the Lampung traditional community in Sumbersari Pepadun Village, East Lampung Regency and to determine the values ??of the tradition of escape (sebambangan) in the Lampung Pepadun indigenous community from a legal sociology perspective. This research uses field research, using a qualitative descriptive research approach, the data management process uses interview methods and data analysis. The analysis uses exploratory methods in the form of descriptive methods with rational and logical inductive and deductive approaches. research structure. The result is that if seen from the perspective of legal sociology, the Sebambangan custom is a custom that can be legalized, because Sebambangan is based on utility, which was expressed by Jeremy Betham that the law must be useful for society in order to achieve a happy life, so that it becomes law and is seen as a social norm. and if it is linked to the rules of fiqh then "custom can be the basis of law", the tradition of running away does not conflict with existing laws in Indonesia but is interrelated and grows and develops with society
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