Peran Penyuluh Agama Islam dalam Merekognisi Pendidikan Keislaman di Eks Lokalisasi Bong Cina, Gurah Kabupaten Kediri
The role of Islamic religious extension agents as da'wah actors is obliged to guide and invite the public to understand religious teachings and their implementation. The target is common people, especially social pathology groups such as bitch in the ex lokalisasi Bong Cina, Kediri Regency. The method this research used Participatory Action Research (PAR) with three main pillars, namely research methodology, action dimensions, and participation dimensions. The perspective used to make sex workers as friends who are affected by economic pressure and Islamic teachings that were rahmatal lil a'lamin. The impact of this program was that the bitch previously felt that they were victims of injustice to the Kediri Regency Government shifted to accept as destiny to return to work that is blessed by Allah. On the other hand, they get benefits for economic improvement by doing household chores such as sewing songkok, making crafts, selling on line and catering for parties. Until now, in carrying out their activities. they adhere to the basic principles of building relationships with others in syar'i.
Keywords: Religious Extension, Islamic Education Recognition, Role of Islamic Education
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