Peran Komunikasi Kelompok dalam Penyesuaian Santri Baru Guna Mencapai Keberhasilan Belajar di Pondok Pesantren


  • M Nasor UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Jasmadi Jasmadi UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia



Group Communication, Student Customization, Successful Study


A research paper highlights the importance of effective group communication in helping new students adapt to pesantren in Indonesia, especially at Way Kanan, Lampung Tengah, Lampung Selatan, Lampung Timur, dan Pandeglang Banten District. These schools offer unique learning environments that integrate religious education and character development, but new students can face challenges in adjusting to the new environment, peers, and school rules. Internal factors such as independence and adjustment also play a role in adaptation. Comprehensive support for new students is required, and group communication can play an important role in creating a stimulating environment for learning and fostering mutual respect and kindness. The study emphasizes the uniqueness of pesantren, which promotes religious and moral values, and identifies potential implications for future research. To improve group communication and support new students, it is important to provide a comprehensive introduction and familiarize them with school rules and culture. Further research can explore the implications of pesantren on local communities and economies. This research shows that effective group communication is essential in creating a stimulating environment for learning and enhancing a culture of mutual respect and kindness. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive support for new students, which can be achieved through improved group communication. The findings suggest that group communication in pesantren is different from traditional schools and can be an effective tool in helping students adjust to their new environment. The study also highlights the uniqueness of the pesantren education system which emphasizes the importance of religious and moral values.

Keywords: Group Communication, Student Customization, Successful Study


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How to Cite

Nasor, M., & Jasmadi, J. (2023). Peran Komunikasi Kelompok dalam Penyesuaian Santri Baru Guna Mencapai Keberhasilan Belajar di Pondok Pesantren. Attractive : Innovative Education Journal, 5(3), 456–465.

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