Nilai-Nilai Masyarakat Madura (Studi Etnografi Adagium Lokal Maysarakat Desa Guluk-Guluk)


  • Lailatul Qadariyah STAI Nurud Dhalam Ganding Sumenep, Indonesia



Ethnography of Local Community Adages, Local Community Adages


Adage is a group of words that have a fixed structure and contain rules of behavior, advice, life principles, comparisons or parables. And usually use metaphors to describe certain things. Adages or ca'oca' (proverbs) contain advice values ??which need to be developed and preserved, and become a tradition passed down from generation to generation among the village. This proverb has been taught from generation to generation, passed down from generation to generation and is still believed today. This research aims to reveal two things: First, what are the local adages of the Madurese community. Second, what moral values ??are contained in local adages. In order to facilitate this goal, the researcher relies on ethnographic qualitative data collection techniques using the Schwartz value theory which defines value in the Theory of Basic Human Value. And Rokeach defines values ??as beliefs, which have cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects. Meanwhile, data collection techniques use analysis, interviews and observation. This research resulted in the conclusion that adages or proverbs contain values ??where these values ??are categorized into several meanings of value, namely, individual values, social values, and religious values. Then it is mapped again into several types of adages from the findings of the people of Guluk-Guluk Village which include self-esteem adages, social adages, polite adages, and spiritual adages.

Keywords: Ethnography of Local Community Adages, Local Community Adages


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How to Cite

Qadariyah, L. (2023). Nilai-Nilai Masyarakat Madura (Studi Etnografi Adagium Lokal Maysarakat Desa Guluk-Guluk). Attractive : Innovative Education Journal, 5(2), 1069–1080.

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