Pakaian: Agama atau Budaya (Kajian Al Libas dalam Al Qur’an)
The Concept of Clothing, Study of Al Libas in the Qur'anAbstract
This article reviews the concept of clothing (libas) based on the Qur’an. This article uses a descriptive method with library research. The research method used is Literature Review or a comprehensive literature review, which is an effective research method for collecting information about the historical background of libraries. This involves searching and analyzing academic papers, books, scientific articles, and reports related to clothing: religious or cultural. The results of the research show that there are different views of scholars regarding the meaning of clothing, but almost all scholars agree that clothing functions as a cover for private parts. Dress styles are adapted to certain communities provided they do not violate the sharia established by the Qur'an. The rules of the Koran regarding clothing did not only apply during the time of the Prophet but also apply throughout time.
Keywords: The Concept of Clothing, Study of Al Libas in the Qur'an
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