Description of Student Learning Difficulties of SMAN 4 Padang on Buffer Solution Material
Learning Difficulties, Buffer Solutions, Diagnostic TestsAbstract
In studying chemistry you will find that chemistry is much broader than just numbers, formulas and abstract theories. Students are required to have the ability to understand concepts and apply mathematical operations. One of the chemistry learning materials in high school that involves understanding mathematical concepts and operations is buffer solution material. As many as 71.30% of students at SMAN 4 Padang have not been able to achieve the specified KKM for learning. This indicates that students experience learning difficulties. This research is descriptive research, namely to describe the percentage of student learning difficulty levels for each learning indicator of buffer solution material and the factors that influence it. The subjects of this research were 82 people from all class XII MIPA students at SMAN 4 Padang. The instruments used are diagnostic test questions and questionnaire sheets. The results of the research show that the percentage of student learning difficulties in each buffer solution learning indicator is (1) Understanding the concept of buffer solutions 38%, (2) Explaining the working principles of buffer solutions 67%, (3) Determining the pH of buffer solutions 79%, and (4) Analyzing the role of 68% buffer solution.
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