Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Jigsaw
Active Learning Strategy, Jigsaw Cooperative Learning StrategyAbstract
This research aims to ensure that the learning process in improving language skills can provide good results and achievements for generations of the nation and state. The learning process must be accompanied by learning strategies, learning strategies, and language skills strategies including listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills. Jigsaw type cooperative learning is a learning method that is based on a multifunctional learning group structure that can be used on all subjects and at all levels to develop each group's expertise and skills that they have learned previously at expert team meetings. In the jigsaw type cooperative learning model, there is a home group and an expert group. Home group, namely the parent group of students consisting of students with diverse abilities, gender and family backgrounds. Expert groups, namely groups of students consisting of members from different home groups are assigned to study a topic and then explain it to members of the home group. The expert group is a combination of several experts from the original group. The key to jigsaw success is interdependence, that is, each student depends on his team members to be able to provide the information needed to perform well during the assessment.
Keywords: Active Learning Strategy, Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy
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