Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Berprestasi di MA Al Huda Cikalongwetan
Learning Motivation, Outstanding Students, Achievement MotivationAbstract
This study aims to look at the average learning motivation scores of outstanding students between grade 10, grade 11, and 12, as well as the homogeneity scores at MA Al Huda Cikalongwetan, West Bandung Regency. It turns out that the average score of outstanding students at each level is not much different, that is; grade 10 outstanding students had an average score of 194.18, grade 11 outstanding students had an average score of 196.38, and grade 12 outstanding students had an average score of 197.24. The data distribution is homogeneous because it has a significance of 0.931, where the significance value of 0.931 is greater than 0.05. This study uses quantitative research methodology, with the sample conducted on 50 students from grade 10, 50 students from grade 11, and 50 students from grade 12. This means that outstanding students at MA Al Huda Cikalongwetan, whether in grade 10, grade 11, or grade 12, have the same dimensions of achievement motivation, that is; they have personal responsibility, determine the values to be achieved, try to work creatively, try to achieve goals, anticipate, and carry out activities as well as possible.
Keywords: Learning Motivation, Outstanding Students, Achievement Motivation
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