The Influence of Motivation and Interest in Learning on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional Study in Indonesia
Learning Outcomes, Learning Motivation, Learning InterestAbstract
This study explores the relationship between motivation, interest in learning, and academic achievement among students at the Tahfidz Darul Quran Al Haramain Islamic Boarding School. Grounded in the premise that education is a lifelong process aimed at transferring knowledge, values, and culture, the research investigates the impact of motivation and interest on learning outcomes. Drawing on educational theories emphasizing the significance of intrinsic motivation and interest, the study employs quantitative methods, including questionnaires and documentation of student outcomes, analyzed through multiple linear regression. Results reveal that, collectively, motivation and interest account for only 18% of the variation in students' academic success, with 82% attributed to external factors. Contrary to expectations, neither motivation nor interest emerges as a significant individual predictor of achievement. Despite this, the study acknowledges the potential role of motivation and interest in fostering student effort and engagement, urging further research to unravel nuanced influences on academic outcomes.
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Learning Motivation, Learning Interest
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