Analisis Gender dan Budaya Matrinealisme Pada Penyuluh Agama Perempuan di Kabupaten Kerinci
Gender Equality, Matrinalism Culture, Religious CounselorsAbstract
This research aims to understand gender analysis and matrinealism culture among female religious counselors in Kerinci Regency. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data sources in this research come from religious instructors, heads and staff of the Kerinci Regency KUA, Kerinci Community Leaders, Kerinci Regency KUA Archives and documentation. The research subject is the Kerinci community. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The technique for ensuring data validity is data triangulation. The data analysis technique is the Milles & Huberman model of qualitative data analysis. The results of this research conclude 1) women play a respected central role, they are leaders in the family who are responsible for inheritance and offspring and are involved in managing the family economy. 2) The Kerinci community's perception of religious instructors from a gender perspective has an important role in providing religious education to the community, organizing worship and religious activities and providing guidance regarding family and marriage. 3) supporting and inhibiting factors for gender equality in Kerinci Regency are traditional norms, stereotypes gender, low educational level of religious instructors and low income are factors inhibiting gender equality. 4) policies to increase gender equality begin with awareness that it is important to create a just and inclusive society.
Keywords: Gender Equality, Matrinalism Culture, Religious Counselors
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