Permainan Edukatif dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar
English Language, Educational Games, Elementary StudentsAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using educational games in learning English for elementary school students at Lawangan Daya 2 Elementary School, Pamekasan. English is an increasingly important skill in facing the challenges of globalization. However, English learning at the elementary school level is often faced with challenges in terms of students' reluctance to learn and understanding that may be limited. This study used a qualitative research method with its data collection process through classroom observation, field notes, interviews with teachers, and a final test covering various aspects of English. The results showed that through educational games Cross Words and English Mini Theater consistently improved students' English comprehension. The games increased students' interest and motivation in understanding English learning in a fun and interactive way. The findings indicate that the sustainable use of educational games in English language learning can be an effective approach to improving the English language skills of primary school students.
Keywords: English Language, Educational Games, Elementary Students
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