E-commerce dan Bisnis Fintech Syariah di Indonesia
E-commerce, FintechAbstract
This research was conducted on the basis of developments in the economic sector in Indonesia. The interaction between consumers and producers, which is currently being designed to be more effective and efficient with the existence of e-commerce services, has also been carried out digitally without having to bring the two parties together. Not only in terms of transactions, even in financial services there has also been a transformation from transactions that were originally carried out using paper money, now many have switched to digital money with the existence of financial technology (fintech), even those based on sharia. So that with this phenomenon in brackets, a problem formulation is made regarding how to study the analysis of recordings and fintech and their opportunities in sharia business in Indonesia? This research is a literature study with a descriptive analytic type. Discussion on e-commerce and fintech from various references collected is then used as a description to facilitate the analysis process. The results concluded that the transformation of e-commerce and fintech and their overall application is very beneficial to both point producers and consumers, but there are still gaps, such as fraud, inappropriate ordered goods or protection of consumers' personal data. In terms of competition with conventional financial institutions, of course, Islamic fintech still needs a lot of time, especially now that it is still classified as a minority so that its users are still not as many as conventional ones.
Keywords: E-Commerce, Fintech Syariah, Business Fintech Syariah
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