The Influence of Parenting Patterns on Learning Motivation of High School Students
Parenting patterns practiced by parents towards their children are based on the parents' profession. This solely arises because of the activities and habits carried out. However, it is not confident that the parenting patterns received by children can increase children's motivation to learn. Therefore, a study was conducted that formulated the problem of how the relationship between parenting patterns and children's learning motivation in high school. This study uses quantitative research methodology, with the sample conducted on 27 students from the Office Administration class, 19 from the Accounting class, 20 from the Light Vehicle Automotive Engineering 1 class, and 18 from the Light Vehicle Automotive Engineering 2 class at SMK Playen Yogyakarta. The results of this study indicate that parenting patterns significantly affect student learning motivation at a confidence level of 95%. If parenting patterns increase by 1 point, learning motivation will increase by 0.321 points.
Keywords: Parenting Patterns, Learning Motivation, High School Education
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