Pengaruh Latar Belakang Pendidikan Guru (Kompetensi Profesional) Terhadap Self Efficacy
eacher Competence, Teacher Profesionalism, Self Efficacy TeachersAbstract
The article was to describe the effect of teacher educational background on self-efficacy. The quality of a teacher can be seen from the several competencies he must have, namely pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence and professional competence obtained through professional education. Teacher educational background is the professional competence of a teacher. Competence comes from competency language which means abilty, capability, proficiency, qualification, eligibility, readiness, skill, adequency. Professional competence is a competence for a teacher in carrying out his duties as someone who teaches science to every student so that the implemented curriculum, learning materials, mastery of teaching structures and scientific methods are achieved. A background that is not in accordance with the material being taught by the teacher will result in a decrease in the self-confidence of the teacher. Many things will happen if the educational background is not in accordance with the subject being taught. Self-efficacy is the ability to self-assess about one's ability or capacity to produce performance and even certain goals that have been determined. This writing uses a qualitative descriptive method with library research (literature study).
Keywords: Teacher Competence, Teacher Profesionalism, Self Efficacy Teachers
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