The Influence of Applying Cooperative-Technical TPS (Think Pair Share) Learning Method on Students' Understanding of Concepts In View of Students' Learning Motivation


  • Yumitra Falenthine Br Ginting Efarina University, Indonesia
  • Sri Wahyuni Tarigan Efarina University, Indonesia
  • Herna Jusnita Simamora Efarina University, Indonesia



Cooperative Learning Method, TPS (Think Pair Share), Learning Motivation


The effect s of cooperative -technical model Think Pair Share towards students' understanding of concept s viewed from learning motivation. This research used a 3x2 factorial design. . Based on the test of normality , homogeneity , t-test and ANOVA two-line from the pretest and posttest data , concluded : First , there were differences in students' understanding of concepts in learning economics while using cooperative -technical models of Think Pair Share and conventional models. Second , there were differences in students' level of understanding economics concepts that was higher than students in the experiment class than students in the control class. Third , there were effects of students ' learning motivation towards their understanding of economic concepts and there was no interaction between learning models and learning motivation toward students' understanding of concepts.

Keywords: Cooperative Learning Method, TPS (Think Pair Share), Learning Motivation

Author Biographies

Sri Wahyuni Tarigan, Efarina University, Indonesia

Efarina University, Indonesia

Herna Jusnita Simamora, Efarina University, Indonesia

Efarina University, Indonesia


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How to Cite

Br Ginting, Y. F., Tarigan, S. W., & Simamora, H. J. (2023). The Influence of Applying Cooperative-Technical TPS (Think Pair Share) Learning Method on Students’ Understanding of Concepts In View of Students’ Learning Motivation. Attractive : Innovative Education Journal, 5(1), 234–241.

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