Praktik Pembelajaran dalam Pembuatan Sosis dari Oncom
Learning Making Sausage, Learning Food Product, Learning PracticumAbstract
Oncom is a fermented food product typical of West Java, which uses groundnut cake or tofu dregs as a substrate inoculated with red oncom mold spores. In addition to being cheap and easy to obtain, the nutritional content in oncom such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, water, iron, potassium, and sodium has almost the same nutritional value as tofu and tempeh. So that Oncom can be an alternative source of good nutrition for the body. The purpose of this community service gave learning about making sausage from Oncom, that providing education and practices, about the benefits and uses of oncom as a substitute for meat in making oncom sausages. The method used is persuasive, educative and practical by combining lecture and practice. The number of samples is 10 housewives. The results of the service show that there is an increase in the knowledge of housewives regarding the benefits and how to process oncom as a substitute for meat in making sausages. For advice, it should be noted during the process of making oncom sausages to get rid of the bitter taste of oncom before adding other ingredients, oncom needs to be cooked through a roasting process.
Keywords: Learning Making Sausage, Learning Food Product, Learning Practicum
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