Peningkatan Kemampuan Ibu Rumah Tangga di Lingkungan Kelurahan Kampung Rawa melalui Workshop Pembelajaran Pembuatan Frozen Food
Learning Frozen Food, Improving Capacity of Housewives, Workshop Learning Frozen FoodAbstract
The purpose of this research is to increase the ability and capacity of women in making Frozen Food, so the Capacity Building program for women, especially housewives, is very important because currently there are so many women who are required to be able to help the family's economy. The subjects of this program are housewives who are members of the PKK group in Kampung Rawa sub-district, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. The solution offered from this capacity building program is to provide training on how to make frozen food and how to store the results of the frozen food itself. The purpose of this activity is to be able to increase creativity and productivity, especially the income of housewives in the area. Making frozen food itself was chosen because it has advantages such as being easy to make, does not require complicated materials and tools, and requires small capital, coupled with data that frozen food sales increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this capacity building training are increasing knowledge about, selecting materials, how to make, and how to store frozen food and the application of the results of the training in everyday life
Keywords: Learning Frozen Food, Improving Capacity of Housewives, Workshop Learning Frozen Food
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