Identifikasi Faktor-Faktor Keterlambatan Pengadaaan Barang Jasa pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM)
Delay Procurement of Services, Organization, PDAMAbstract
The Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) has a strategic role in providing clean water. PDAM carries out the government's role in implementing the constitution related to the management of water resources for the prosperity of the community. In carrying out its duties, PDAM is often constrained by a number of problems including losses due to higher production costs compared to income, poor water quality, limited service coverage and frequent interruption and interruption of services. This problem occurs because the PDAM's procurement of goods/services has not been running effectively and efficiently, including the process of procuring goods/services which often experiences delays. This study aims to identify the factors that cause delays in procurement of PDAM goods/services. By using a mixed mode research qualitative quantitative sequential step by step data analysis using the SPSS statistical method. The results of the study found that the dominant causes of delays in the procurement of PDAM goods/services were late payments, ineffective contract supervision, appointment of incompetent personnel, weak procurement planning and complicated and lengthy procurement SOPs. Of the five most dominant factors causing delays, two factors are related to the duties of the User/PPK and three factors are the duties of the Board of Directors. This study shows that the implementation of the tasks of the User/PPK and the Board of Directors has not been optimal in implementing the procurement of PDAM goods/services.
Keywords: Delay Procurement of Services, Organization, PDAM
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