Analisis Pembelajaran IPA Melalui Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning Materi Organ Pencernaan pada Hewan dan Manusia dalam Keterampailan Proses Sains
Contextual Teaching and Learning, Learning Natural Science, Learning at Pandemic TimeAbstract
The article aimed to anlyse the application of contextual teaching and learning in science learning in process skills and what can affect the application of contextual learning approach factors in learning science. Learning science using Contextual Teaching and Learning in Science Process Skills can be one way that educators can use in the covid-19 era. Because, through Contextual Teaching and Learning, educators are better able to relate the material to the lives of each student and can make children think critically, especially in the current pandemic situation. Researchers used qualitative research with data collection methods used, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The results found in this study show that using a contextual teaching and learning approach to science learning in science process skills is very suitable to be applied, especially in the current situation, it is very necessary to know the current situation and conditions and achieve the objectives of science learning itself. This can be seen by students who become enthusiastic when learning begins, are active during science learning, and have great curiosity.
Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Aplication Contextual Teaching and Learning
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