Implementasi Model Pembelajaran One Day One Hadis and Five Ayat dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Motivasi Belajar Al-Qur’an Hadis
Emotional Intelligence, Hadith Learning Motivation, Islamic Learning ProgramAbstract
The background of this research is about the importance of emotional intelligence and learning motivation in life. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the one day one hadith and five verses learning model in increasing emotional intelligence and motivation to learn Al-qur'an Hadith. This research is a case study research type with a qualitative approach. The location of the research was carried out at the Al-Aqobah IV Islamic Boarding School. Data collection in this study was done by interview, observation and documentation. Sources of data in this study consisted of caretakers of boarding schools, principals and teachers or ustadz. The data analysis technique was carried out with the stages of data reduction, data presentation and verification/conclusion. Then test the validity of the data using technical triangulation, time triangulation and source triangulation. The results showed that the implementation of the one day one hadith and five verses learning program was carried out while waiting for prayer time, and before formal learning hours took place. Increasing emotional intelligence in students with the one day one hadith and five verse learning method, namely by getting used to these habits because it is done every day, over time it will become a habit and will become part of the self or attitude for those who undergo it. The supporting factor for this program is that students memorize the Qur'an and hadith, making it easier for students to learn about the Qur'an and hadith. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is the lazy feeling of the students, the lack of support and motivation and the friend factor.
Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Hadith Learning Motivation, Islamic Learning Program
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